"Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light"

HWPL is a Non-governmental, Non-profit International Peace Organization  headquartered in Seoul, the capital city of South Korea and has 170 branches internationally and approximately three million and one hundred thousand international members currently.  HWPL works to achieve world peace and cessation of war.  It runs with a motto of practicing the heavenly culture

As you can recognize on the name of HWPL, Heavenly Culture is the main motto of HWPL's activities. Heaven is always higher than the earth, so the culture of the heaven is also higher than the culture of the earth. So far, we couldn't resolve the conflicts and realize the practical peace with the culture of the earth.

So, HWPL pursues the culture of the heaven to realize the peace. As the heaven provides light, rain and air to everyone without discrimination, HWPL keeps working for peace regardless of nations, races, ethnics, religions, languages and cultures. (HWPL keep working for peace transcending without discrimination.

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Chairman Man Hee Lee. Founder of HWPL

HWPL was founded by Mr. Man Hee Lee, a veteran of the Korean war who  experienced the real war and fought in the front line and has not forgotten the tragedy which he and his fellow soldiers suffered during the war.  He is known to mention that “We should do what we can do for world peace.”   Despite his old age, 86, he has dedicated all his life to achieve world peace.

World peace.
So far, Mr. Man Hee Lee has traveled all over the world 26 times just in 4 years and meeting with heads of  the states, religious leaders, media, women and youth to plant the seed of peace in their hearts and share the  solution that can bring cessation of wars. He overcomes the jet leg and takes a plane more than 20 hours.

Mr. Man Hee Lee also proclaimed the declaration of world peace in order to instill the awareness of peace to all global  He is now recognized as an advocate of world peace by people in the world.

HWPL’s purpose for cessation of war and world peace:
  1. Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW),  drafted by 21 renowned legal experts, is made of 10 articles that form necessary pillars to realise peace society, the the reason for struggling to make the implementation of International Law on Cessation War to come true the world peace.
  2. The alliance of religions with World Alliance of Religions Peace (WARP) office.
  3.  To leave a peace as an inheritance for future generation, we must become Peace Messengers for the same goal, world peace.


We, as tomorrow’s decision-makers, must raise awareness towards peace and speak up our voices. Particularly, IPYG to ensure peace and cessation of war through DPCW, we are supporting and promoting it.
IPYG has vision s based on five missions. It is decided by the Declaration of World peace proclaimed by the chairman Lee of HWPL in 2013.

1. For youth to protect themselves from threats around the world. (violence and conflicts)
2. For youth to leave as legacy/inheritance future generation. (We are Tomorrow’s Decision-Makers

1. To unite as one through the IPYG
2. To harmonize transcending race, religion, ideology
3. To empower the youth(youth empowerment)
4. To spread peace education
5. To be the pioneers for peace culture

In favor of his saying, to speak up our voices to the world, we should unite as one through the IPYG.
And, people refuse to acknowledge each difference and it could lead them to cause wars after all. The world is caught a vicious circle over and over. There are a number of wars caused by religion, actually. So, we’ve been trying to bring harmony by attending HWPL WARP office.

Youth should be empowered to make voices for the future they want.  Whoever should be noteworthy the peace since the childhood then they can know how important peace is and further it can spread over the world. Therefore, we foster the peace by spreading peace education.

HWPL Peace projects.


F and Z said…
After the course of Bible study, What other voluntary responsibility do you do