We need peace as all positive activities can take place only in an atmosphere of peace. As such an atmosphere enables normal relations to be established between people. It makes it possible for feelings of love and friendship to prevail. In a favorable atmosphere constructive activities flourish and the existing resources can be used for development or other creative activities. A positive bent of mind will prevail which will help develop academic and intellectual advancement.

Peace at any cost, is too much to pay. Places where slaves are forced into labor that machines or fair-paid employees could do, or people impressed into armies, or women forced away from education and forced into marriage/slavery, or where emigration is not permitted…need war to fix the problems in their society.
 War needs to be an option if other countries settle excess population inside another countries borders, or attempts to seize power/resources/control by violent means.

Outside of that though. Peace allows “wealth” to accumulate and all of society to advance. through this means generations of wealth, education, technology can build up making people very prosperous and happy.
 It is harder managing an economy in extended peace, (1) because it is so unfamiliar to many of the old books and familiar ways, and (2) it compounds at an astonishing rate. “wealth” in this sense is the accumulated value of anything, after the initial payment is completed - eg a major road if built well will serve many generations in peacetime; and only has to built once (and is cheaper to maintain) - war would destroy the road to hinder the enemy, and thus it would have to be rebuilt. In peacetime, instead of rebuildng the road again and again, a beautiful park, or farm to supply cheap healthy food can be built from the same resources that would have gone into repairing the road.

 In wartime, it is important to make resources and hoard expensive weapons and ammunition, to store food, and not to spend much on houses/schools etc that will be destroyed - nor is it important to educate soldiers or women who are going to die/be used to breed more soldiers. Because always the investment is destroyed. In peacetime, hoarding such things is not important, and in civilised countries guns are toys, not weapons! So people have nothing better to do than enjoy themselves, make great temples, parks, educate themselves and have beautiful clever women, and artistic strong men.
