
Peace in the World starts inside.


 We are the seeds of the future, but it’s up to each of us to tend and care for our own inner garden first. Then, when we try to help and guide those around us we will be stronger, calmer, more loving and effective. We will be able to lead others into Peace, rather than getting drawn into their conflict and the endless cycle of action and reaction that only leads to more and more violence.

The most effective way to create Peace in the World is to start with yourself.

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.
– The Dalai Lama
This may be the “prime directive” of effective spiritual practice, social action and peaceful living. Don’t let the behavior of others (who are actually an expression of our greater whole) destroy your inner peace. This is why the Dalai Lama meditates for several hours every day. It is why Mahatma Gandhi prayed and meditated daily.
For those of us who wish to help bring greater peace to the world it’s important to stay balanced, mindful, calm and grounded. Especially in chaotic times like this, especially in the light of the tragic and terrible recent events in Orlando and elsewhere, we need to make our own inner peace a top priority.
Imagine if you saw a group of people drowning in a fast-moving river. If you swim out alone to try to help save them you will drown too. Better to stay on dry land, tie some ropes to trees and then throw them out to help the others. If we did go in, it would be wise to have friends standing on dry land, and to tie a rope around ourselves before entering the dangerous waters.

This is now teaching us that we have to make wise decisions to bring about peace. lets stop blaming others, let us raise our voices and save those who are already trapped in wars and save our future generation from following the same suite.

 Read more about peace by clicking here


clean ongoel said…
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