what you need to know about peace?

                A family walks past a mural depicting a scene from Bloody Sunday in Londonderry, Northern Ireland

                A banner in the UN Mission for South Sudan (Unmiss) protection of civilians site in Bentiu

Peace-building is less costly than relief efforts

Peace fosters conditions conducive to economic development. To promote an inclusive, sustainable and harmonious society, it is necessary to take peace-building measures. These measures should focus not on imposing solutions, but on the creation of economic, social spaces within which local people can identify, develop and employ the resources necessary to build a peaceful, prosperous and just society.
Peace-building programs are less costly than relief programs, and should be considered an investment for future development and a tool for steering the peace-building process.

Working collaboratively in conflict zones is vital

Development occurs in conflict. Local organisations can, in many instances, act more effectively than international organisations during conflict. Establishing trust and building relationships through transparent negotiations with other local groups allows workers certain access and protections that international organisations do not have. Relationships can be built with military forces, who are often less suspicious of local workers than international agencies.

In Syria, for example, locals have persuaded military powers to focus their attacks on legitimate military targets rather than civilians. They have also asked that schools take priority over hospitals – which will inevitably draw shelling – so that future fighters have at least some education.
If international organisations wish to contribute to development in areas of conflict, they need to focus their resources on supporting the needs and efforts of local people and workers, providing capability building, logistical aid and mental health support to those who experience death and destruction on a daily basis.

Only peace can safeguard development

There is an indisputable connection between peace and sustainable development. History has shown that whenever a state’s peace has been threatened or suppressed, the recovery process has involved significant efforts to rebuild a stable society and repair interstate relations damaged by conflict. Peace can guarantee the human security of today, but also the sustainable development of tomorrow.

Let us all be agents of peace and make the world better.
