Make an effort of peace with love.

what do we make of peace and love in our society?

Every morning you wake to your daily schedule, the daily work that we do to make our live better. But do you wake up any morning and think of a way that you going to create love with the people you live with, whether they know you or they do not know you? Have have you asked yourself then why you have all that peace that lets you do anything daily?


take an example considering the place where you live, is this the place where you always wanted to live? Is this the place where each child expects to grow up when they open their innocent eyes and see the world for the first time? Are you able to look in the eyes of those children without the feeling of shame for this evil reality, which they have to face? Is this what we have prepared for them throughout centuries and years?  you cannot ignore the idea that you are the one that is shaping the structure of this reality that is existing.

 No one is born with evil within them. We are born, filled with love towards everyone and everything around us. But instead of just following our hearts full of light, we keep feeding ourselves with darkness over and over again.  What urges us to acknowledge someone as an enemy just because of the place they were born in? Isn’t Earth the only place all of us were born in? Are the borders that someone has drawn on the map powerful enough to build in our souls the borders of prejudice, alienating us from each other?  why don't we restore the love and the innocence that we are born with. the one that everyone had as child that loves everyone with all their heart.


Love in this world is the only strongest feeling that can help us restore and keep peace in this world. As we think about how better we shall live tomorrow, let us also think about how we shall create the peace we need.  And more so, who likes wars and conflict?

Lets love one another and be the peace we need.
