Whether it be racism, the person making racial slurs and hurting others may benefit from walking in town as a Muslim to understand the stares they receive. If its homeless individuals or poor person, try to live on a small budget and understand how they got there. I could go on about how others would benefit simply just by walking in someone else's shoes per se.
The current election, I am thrown back by the hate crimes or using our words to hurt others in comments. I feel anyone along with counseling can change for the good and not live in defeat, racism, and hate! I want a world where there is no judgements against the disabled, poor, race, the emotionally broken by past abuse, women, and just anyone who is "different"! I believe everyone has a heart and just needs to learn how to get in touch with love and learn how to live without judgements! I am one person but I want to change the world!
copied: (cynthia)